When Monday 11. June 2018 – Sunday 24. June 2018
Where Indoor courtyard ("Magistrale") of the Departments of Mathematics and Informatics

Picture: weseetheworld; elina_lava; James Steidl – stock.adobe.com
With your own photo greeting taken in our FoTUMat you will become part of our anniversary gallery: The FoTUMat works like a digital photo booth. Once you’ve taken your picture, you can send it with your greetings to www.150.tum.de/en/send_greeting.
The FoTUMat in Garching:
11.06. to 24.06.2018 – Indoor courtyard (“Magistrale”) of the Departments of Mathematics and Informatics (RoomFinder)
All locations and dates:
- Munich: 28.5 to 10.6.2016
- Garching: 11.6. to 24.6.2018
- Weihenstephan: 25.6. to 8.7.2018